My Heart5207 5219 I tried using film!

This time I tried using the slightly unusual films My Heart 5207 (ASA250) and 5219 (ASA500)!
Of course, it is an overseas film, but it is not a normal developed film (C-41).
ECN-2 development!
Did you know? ECN-2 development! !
I didn't understand at all lol I looked it up and it seems like it's a cartridge refilled with movie film, but that's also C-41 development!
Where do I see the difference? That's what I thought, but when I looked into it, it seems that ECN-2 film is completely black, unlike negative film ↓ Comparison image

I see, so I looked into where I should develop the image, and it seemed like home development was the only option, so I thought I was done.
However, when I was looking into it, I found out that Champ Camera had recently started ECN-2 development in Japan!
That's really helpful, thank you very much! Champ camera! !
It's more expensive than regular processing, but as a film camera fan like me, it's cheap because you can easily start using movie film from overseas manufacturers! Lol I've often heard that recently Fuji Film's variety of films has decreased considerably and color films have completely disappeared, so Kodak is the only one I rely on...but if I'm going to use a film camera, I'd like to shoot with a variety of films like in the past. 😂
So this time, I decided to sell this My Heart, which is developed by ECN-2, at the Ein Camera shop!
It is not sold anywhere in Japan, so if you are interested, please
Please take a look at the online shop at ^^
See you again in the next article!
(The actual photo taken is posted below.)